Mozzarella meat roll.

      In this article we see how to add a new item to our line of innovative retail shop products.
    Mozzarella meat roll is a product aimed at maximizing gross profit while working with meat cuts that need to be trimmed to a "customer required" aspect. 
    The main ingredient is minced beef and pork wich gives a pleasant taste and  softness to the whole mixture. In one of the 3 meat sheets that make our roll we can incorporate spinach or other green vegetable. The mozzarella sheet is the "marketing part" of our product creating the appeal needed for successful commercialisation. As additives we can use ascorbic acid along with soluble alimentary fibres giving the product a shelf life of 5 to 7 days.
    Cooking is pretty straight forward : oil fried 5 minutes per side.
    Without further ado here is the making of "Mozzarella meat roll".


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