I am
going through a busy period in my life. Working in a well established
retail shop can be quite challenging and that is one of the reasons
why I love my work. Apart from that I have some personal projects
that require time and concentration and one of them is my blog. Take
that , add the family , which requires its attentions, and you get
the big pictures of a busy life. Now don't get me wrong, I love my
life, it is full and rewarding.
The last
weekend my wife and son decided that they will have a short 3 days
holiday and for me it was the perfect time to concentrate on my last
article "Vacuum cooking of fresh meats". It is a complex
mater and it requires some googling of English terms and concepts and
for me that Sunday was the perfect time to finish the work.
looking at the Murphy laws you will find one that will say that you
will lose your network connection when you need it the most. To make
a long story short, after fiddling for 2 hours with my modem I
finally gave up and lost all my concentration.
Why am I
telling you this? Because there is a simple method to avoid similar
situations. Whenever you have that brilliant idea just write it. If
you are at work or too busy just write some keywords that will help
you remember it. For me at least, an idea can be compared to a dream,
if it is not consciously consolidated in your mind you will
eventually lose it. Writing, and I mean writing by hand is one of the
most efficient ways of training memory.
thing that I experienced is that the famous way of telling "sleep
over it" is valid even if you don't literally sleep. Recent
studies have shown that our brain doesn't multi task or at least it
doesn't do it in a optimal way. Just as a multi-core computer
processor it divides the work load between the two or more tasks but,
opposed to the way a computer works, in the process looses coherence
on singular duties.
Instead I
think that our brain multi tasks brilliantly in a different way.
While doing one conscious task the subconscious part of our mind
work's on resolving the other problems. And that's why you sometime
wake up in the morning with the solutions to your issues. Give
yourself the luxury to not think about your problems to solve for
some time, even though you see a solution there somewhere. You will
discover that your subconscious will do all the hard work and when
you least aspect it you will be given a solution.

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